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EduPlan April 2024

po 01. 4.


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EduPlan April 2024
EduPlan April 2024

Čas a místo

01. 4. 2024 8:00

O události

We are continuing to learn about the spring season, observe changes in nature and around us. We will learn the names of basic animal babies and about animal families.  We will learn how to take care of our school garden, plant some seeds and flowers, clean the garden etc, we will learn about insects and bugs and celebrate Earth Day and explain the importance of taking care of our planet.

Týdenní podtéma/ Weekly themes:

2. - 5. April - Mláďata/ Baby animals

8. - 12. April - V zahrádce/ Gardening

15. - 19. April - Hmyz a plaz/ Insects and Reptiles

20/21 April - Sports Sleepover weekend

22. - 26. April - Earth Day + Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

29. 4. - 3. 5. Život v džungli / Live in the Jungle

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