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Čas a místo
01. 9. 2022 19:00 – 30. 9. 2022 19:00
Prague, Czechia
O události
SEPTEMBER - Welcome back to school
Main goals:
Welcome back to school, getting to know the surroundings, classrooms, garden, learning safety rules. Getting to know friends and teachers and their names. Understanding the difference between preschool and home. Learning basic skills to express emotions and vocabulary in the themes all about me and my family.
Zahájení- Námořnický den / First day of school - Sailors day
- Já a má školka / Welcome back to school
- Bezpečnost a pravidla ve školce a okolí / Safety rules and school rules
- Vše o mě a mé rodině / All about me and my family
- Jak se mi daří / How am I feeling...
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