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ŽIŽKOV: Emma´s Birthday @ Isabelles Class
út 26. 9.
|Praha 9
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Čas a místo
26. 9. 2023 10:00 – 12:00
Praha 9, Českomoravská 2420/15a, 190 00 Praha 9, Česko
O události
Dear Friends,
on Tuesday, September 26th, Isabelle´s Class will go to Harfa Mall to celebrate Emma´s 5th Birthday. Her family invited us to the playland for 2 hours from 10 to 12 am. We will leave the school at around 9:15 and will take a tram to Harfa Mall, after the party we will return back for a little late lunch.
Let´s Party!
This event is for Isabelle´s Class: Emma, Alice, Lotty, Miloš, Beatka, Tonda, Otík
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